Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Double Standard Racist Left

The left and the double standard race card players
Sep 16, '08 12:38 PMfor everyone
Fatimah Ali: 'Race war' in America
By Fatimah AliPhiladelphia Daily News
AT LEAST 2 million readers visit
Thousands of hostile messages flooded my e-mail after my Sept. 2 column that the Daily News called "We Need Obama, Not 4 More Years of George Bush."
Drudge cleverly headlined it: "Philadelphia columnist warns if McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race war."
I stand by the column - but after all of that backlash, I realize I was dead wrong. We don't have to wait until after the election for a race war. We're in one now.
I know that putting the words "race" and "war" together is like hurling an incendiary device. But I wasn't issuing a call to arms, it was a metaphorical prediction.
I hate violence, but I do see a growing wave of intolerance sweeping the nation. And most of the responses were hostile, like on from someone who identified himself as Dennis Van Pelt: "Obama runs like a porch monkey in Alabama during a KKK concert." But, not all white Southerners feel like Dennis. Russ Nelson wrote: "I am a white male who was proud to cast my vote for Barack Obama in the Alabama state primary. He inspires me!"
Nelson sounds more like the liberal whites I grew up with in West Mount Airy, a community that pioneered integration in Philadelphia and kept me wearing rose-colored glasses. I didn't personally experience racism until I was 40, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
The recent onslaught of hate mail I received is a cruel reminder that racism is a like a simmering pot ready to boil over. But it's diametrically opposed to what democracy should represent.
I move in diverse circles and was raised in an upper-middle-class family with parents who exposed us to a wide range of experiences. My family includes several races and religions and a range of political views.
But from what I've been seeing lately, including the reaction to my column, the racial, economic, cultural and religious divides are getting wider. Most of the 2,000 negative responses used language so foul my ears curled.
These excerpts are some of the milder ones: Jerry Caruso threatened: "Pleeeeease bring it, we'll extinguish you." Michael Babich from Wichita, Kan., accused me of "calling for rampant crime and a plague of locusts."
From John Hassler: "I'd rather have an all out war than have [Obama] for president." John Hermanek: "There will be race wars either way. Why? Because he's black." Roland hated my column: "I don't like threats, so I will for sure, vote for John McCain." Jim McDowell was less polite: "I just realized after I saw your last name you're a damn rag head. You stupid S.O.B.'s want to take us back to the seventh century."
DrudgeReport.com daily, and, for the last two weeks, it seemed like most of them were steamed at me.
Do these quotes shock you? Is the vitriol not far from the kind of hatred that led to lynching?

No, Ms.Ali, nothing shocks me anymore!
The Democrat's nominated a radical leftist
black man with a Muslim name, what do
you expect? The MSM never grilled
him, they handed him a soft pillow, fluffed it up
and cuddled and coddled him like a
teddy bear giving him a free magic
carpet ride for almost two years .
The MSM has the audacity to harp on simple mistakes and questions John
McCain's anti Obama campaign ads
and attacks Sarah
Palins role as a mother?
Are you kidding me ?
The MSM never made Obama answer or explain
tough questions about his ranting,
racist Rev.,the MSM never asked
him why he was buddies with
Bill Ayers, the American terrorist
and about his ties
to the PLO /Hamas or slumlords .
Nobody could use
Obama's middle name or they would be
called a racist, nobody could depictObama in a cartoon because thatbe racist.The MSM complains thatRight wing Cable News / talk radiorehashexplosive and hostile Rev.Wrightvideo'sThe left complained.
The left made light of the fact over the flag pin controversary .
Who else was going to inform the Americanpeople who Obama is ? The MSM beats the same drum every day and has no
Problem'reporting' any misspoken word or lie that would insult or bring negative attention to the Republican party.. . The MSM denies charges of biased reporting, well of course they would ,they selected Barack Hussein Obama, he was not elected by the people, he was the medias selection. Well, let's be straight up and honest ...The MSM does NOT choose our Presidents, the people do and we will continue to inform the people of the facts that you fail, yes,you fail to report.The MSM is not 'Fair and Balanced', The Conservative leaning media outlets and talk radio will be certain to give both sides ,they will continue to educate the American people who Obama is , the people deserve to know.
I, personally am sick of the double standard crap going on.If the left can cherry pick the coverage they want to report and rehash what they choose, SO WILL THE RIGHT .That is reality Ms. Ali, I am so sorry if you don't approve
The MSM totally ignored Mrs.Obamas statement: For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my countryI can imagine if Cindy said this, the MSM
Obama's insulting remarks : "Small town folks get bitter after which they cling to guns or religion, or antipathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment"-

Of course the MSM never discussed or exposed anything that would shed a negative light on their chosen Messiah (Obama ) and when the the right wing talk shows do, they will cry foul or play the same ole race card.Had the above remarks come from the McCain camp, an all out media lynching would have warranted and justified .
But you see, we know that.
The MSM has long been a bitter opponent of the right .
We get it, we know it so we get the job done .
We inform and will continue to inform the people in America .Don't even play the hate race card .
That is the main game from the left .
The left always change the rules as they go along.
The left are a mean spirited organization of angry hostile Anti-American thugs.

The left are the racist . The race wars will come from the lefties and they could very wellflow onto our cities streets when Obama loses, they will damage property and riot but it will be okay because the racist republicans caused their self centered arrogant Messiah to lose .Get them prepared by your racist columns. HYPE!!!Set the stage for that race card to be played out .HYPE!!Give them warning, feed their minds Its those Republicans who are racists .HYPE!!!

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